Transformations360 & Red-Red-360
Experience Amazing Results with Tranformations360 & Red-Red-360 – True Cellular Impact

Introducing breakthrough technology from Germany, Red-Red-360 LED light therapy, utilizing Red and Near Infrared Light Therapy to lose inches, tighten skin and reduce pain in one session guaranteed. This treatment includes the application of 635nm and 880nm lights, which causes fat within adipose (fat) cells to leave and accumulate in the interstitial space. This excess fat is removed by the body’s lymphatic system and excreted without negative side effects or downtime. Any medical or cosmetic procedure carries risks, complications and varied results, but LED therapies are effective, safe and have been approved by the FDA.
Initially you will consult with a Red-Red-360 therapist to determine if you are an ideal candidate for our cutting edge LED therapy. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and/or voice any concerns you may have regarding this treatment. If it is determined you are a candidate for this procedure, then paperwork, measurements, pre and post treatment photos (upon your approval) and suggested course of treatment will be given. The treatment is administered by placing up to seven LED pads on the desired area(s) to be treated. Most patients will need a minimum of nine to twelve treatments of Red-Red-360 LED therapy to achieve desired results. This treatment should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and exercise. You should consult a health care professional before beginning any new exercise program to determine if your body is physically able.
LED light therapy has become more prominent and has been used in many studies for pain management, and recently by cosmetic surgeons to emulsify adipose before liposuction with FDA approval. The potential benefit of this treatment is body contouring without surgery. Problem areas or excess pockets of fat can be targeted, however the most commonly treated areas are the stomach, hips, flanks, and thighs. In clinical trials patients have averaged 2-5cm lost from their stomach, hips, and thighs in the first session. These results vary and no guarantee is implied or suggested that desired results will be achieved.
Revolutionary Red Light Technology – Lose 2 inches of Fat in ONE Session, Reduce Pain & Inflammation, Eliminate Wrinkles, Heighten Vitality and Tighten Skin. Red-Red-360 is proven, fast, safe and natural.
Create a new you – call our direct line today – 614-505-6177!